Source code for pycryptoki.backup

Backup related commands
import logging
from ctypes import byref, c_ulong

from .common_utils import AutoCArray, refresh_c_arrays
from .cryptoki import CA_OpenSecureToken, CA_CloseSecureToken, CA_Extract, CA_Insert, \
    CK_ULONG, \
    CA_SIMExtract, CK_BYTE, string_at, create_string_buffer, POINTER, cast, pointer, \
    CK_BYTE_PTR, c_ubyte, CA_SIMInsert, CA_SIMMultiSign
                      CKA_SIM_PORTABLE_SECURE_PORT, CKR_OK)
from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function
from .mechanism import parse_mechanism

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def ca_open_secure_token(h_session, storage_path, dev_ID, mode): """ :param int h_session: Session handle :param storage_path: :param dev_ID: :param mode: """ number_of_elems = CK_ULONG(0) ph_ID = CK_ULONG(0) ret = CA_OpenSecureToken(h_session, storage_path, dev_ID, mode, byref(number_of_elems), byref(ph_ID)) return ret, number_of_elems.value, ph_ID.value
ca_open_secure_token_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_open_secure_token)
[docs]def ca_close_secure_token(h_session, h_ID): """ :param int h_session: Session handle :param h_ID: """ ret = CA_CloseSecureToken(h_session, h_ID) return ret
ca_close_secure_token_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_close_secure_token)
[docs]def ca_extract(h_session, mechanism): """ :param int h_session: Session handle :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) ret = CA_Extract(h_session, mech) return ret
ca_extract_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_extract)
[docs]def ca_insert(h_session, mechanism): """ :param int h_session: Session handle :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) ret = CA_Insert(h_session, mech) return ret
ca_insert_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_insert)
[docs]def ca_sim_extract(h_session, key_handles, authform, auth_secrets=None, subset_size=0, delete_after_extract=False): """ Extract multiple keys to a wrapped blob. The returned blob can then be written into a file. :param int h_session: Session handle :param list[int] key_handles: List of key handles to extract :param int authform: Type of authentication to use. See :class:`pycryptoki.backup.SIM_AUTH` for details :param list(str) auth_secrets: Authorization secrets to use (Length will correspond to the ``N`` value in ckdemo) :param int subset_size: Subset size required for key use (Corresponds to the ``M`` value in ckdemo) :param bool delete_after_extract: If true, will destroy the original keys after they have been extracted. :return: retcode, blob_data tuple. """ if auth_secrets is None: auth_secrets = [] auth_secret_sizes = AutoCArray(data=[c_ulong(len(x)) for x in auth_secrets]) c_auth_secrets = AutoCArray(data=[cast(pointer(create_string_buffer(x, len(x))), CK_BYTE_PTR) for x in auth_secrets], ctype=POINTER(CK_BYTE)) c_key_handles = AutoCArray(key_handles) blob_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def extract(): """ Closure to allow us to get the size of the blob_data. """ blobarr, bloblen = blob_data.array, blob_data.size return CA_SIMExtract(h_session, len(c_key_handles), c_key_handles.array, CK_ULONG(len(auth_secrets)), CK_ULONG(subset_size), authform, auth_secret_sizes.array, c_auth_secrets.array, delete_after_extract, bloblen, blobarr) ret = extract() if ret == 0: ret_blob_data = string_at(blob_data.array, len(blob_data)) else: ret_blob_data = None return ret, ret_blob_data
ca_sim_extract_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_sim_extract)
[docs]def ca_sim_insert(h_session, blob_data, authform, auth_secrets=None): """ Insert keys into the HSM from blob data that was wrapped off using SIM. :param int h_session: Session handle :param str blob_data: Read in raw wrapped data. Typically read in from a file. :param int authform: Type of authentication to use. See :class:`pycryptoki.backup.SIM_AUTH` for details :param list[str] auth_secrets: Authorization secrets to use (Length will correspond to the ``N`` value in ckdemo) :return: retcode, keys tuple, where ``keys`` is a list of integers. """ if auth_secrets is None: auth_secrets = [] auth_secret_sizes = AutoCArray(data=[c_ulong(len(x)) for x in auth_secrets]) c_auth_secrets = AutoCArray(data=[cast(create_string_buffer(x, len(x)), CK_BYTE_PTR) for x in auth_secrets], ctype=POINTER(CK_BYTE)) c_key_handles = AutoCArray() c_blob_data = create_string_buffer(blob_data, len(blob_data)) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def insert(): """ Closure to allow us to get the size of the blob_data. """ key_array, key_array_len = c_key_handles.array, c_key_handles.size return CA_SIMInsert(h_session, CK_ULONG(len(auth_secrets)), authform, auth_secret_sizes.array, c_auth_secrets.array, len(blob_data), cast(c_blob_data, POINTER(CK_BYTE)), key_array_len, key_array) ret = insert() if ret == 0: handles = [int(x) for x in c_key_handles] else: handles = None return ret, handles
ca_sim_insert_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_sim_insert) # This was taken from ckdemo.cpp MAX_SIG_SIZE = 3000
[docs]def ca_sim_multisign(h_session, blob_data, data_to_sign, mechanism, authform, auth_secrets=None): """ Sign data using keys that were extracted to a SIM blob. :param int h_session: Session handle :param str blob_data: Read in raw wrapped key data. Typically read in from a file. :param data_to_sign: List of bytestring data to sign :param mechanism: Mechanism to use with the Sign operation :param int authform: Type of authentication to use. See :class:`pycryptoki.backup.SIM_AUTH` for details :param list[str] auth_secrets: Authorization secrets to use (Length will correspond to the ``N`` value in ckdemo) :return: retcode, signature list """ if auth_secrets is None: auth_secrets = [] c_mechanism = parse_mechanism(mechanism) auth_secret_sizes = AutoCArray(data=[c_ulong(len(x)) for x in auth_secrets]) c_auth_secrets = AutoCArray(data=[cast(create_string_buffer(x, len(x)), CK_BYTE_PTR) for x in auth_secrets], ctype=POINTER(CK_BYTE)) c_blob_data = create_string_buffer(blob_data, len(blob_data)) # Output array of signatures (array of pointers signatures = (CK_BYTE_PTR * len(data_to_sign))() # Output signature sizes. signature_lens = (CK_ULONG * len(data_to_sign))() for index in range(len(signatures)): signatures[index] = cast(create_string_buffer(MAX_SIG_SIZE), CK_BYTE_PTR) signature_lens[index] = MAX_SIG_SIZE # Input data sizes data_lens = AutoCArray([len(x) for x in data_to_sign]) data_buffers = [cast(create_string_buffer(chunk, len(chunk)), CK_BYTE_PTR) for chunk in data_to_sign] # Input data to sign -- array of pointers input_data = AutoCArray(ctype=CK_BYTE_PTR, data=data_buffers) ret = CA_SIMMultiSign(h_session, byref(c_mechanism), CK_ULONG(len(auth_secrets)), authform, auth_secret_sizes.array, c_auth_secrets.array, len(blob_data), cast(c_blob_data, CK_BYTE_PTR), len(data_to_sign), data_lens.array, input_data.array, signature_lens, signatures) py_sigs = [] if ret == CKR_OK: for sig, sig_len in zip(signatures, signature_lens): py_sigs.append(string_at(sig, sig_len)) return ret, py_sigs
ca_sim_multisign_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_sim_multisign)