Source code for pycryptoki.ca_extensions.derive_wrap

derive and wrap extended method
import logging
from ctypes import c_ubyte, string_at

from pycryptoki.defines import CKR_OK
from pycryptoki.common_utils import AutoCArray
from pycryptoki.attributes import Attributes
from pycryptoki.cryptoki import CA_DeriveKeyAndWrap, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, CK_ULONG
from pycryptoki.mechanism import parse_mechanism
from pycryptoki.exceptions import make_error_handle_function

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def ca_derive_key_and_wrap(h_session, derive_mechanism, h_base_key, derive_template, wrapping_key, wrap_mechanism, output_buffer=2048): """ Derive a key from the base key and wrap it off the HSM using the wrapping key :param int h_session: The session to use :param int h_base_key: The base key :param dict derive_template: A python template of attributes to set on derived key :param derive_mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :param int wrapping_key: The wrapping key based on the encryption flavor :param wrap_mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :param output_buffer: The size of the wrapped key, defaulted to a cert size :returns: (Retcode, python bytestring representing wrapped key) :rtype: tuple """ # derive key parameters preparation derive_mech = parse_mechanism(derive_mechanism) c_template = Attributes(derive_template).get_c_struct() # wrapping key parameter preparation wrap_mech = parse_mechanism(wrap_mechanism) # derive key and wrap function requires the size and in that way is # inconsistent with wrap function size = CK_ULONG(output_buffer) wrapped_key = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte, size=size) ret = CA_DeriveKeyAndWrap(h_session, derive_mech, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_base_key), c_template, CK_ULONG(len(derive_template)), wrap_mech, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(wrapping_key), wrapped_key.array, wrapped_key.size) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None return ret, string_at(wrapped_key.array, wrapped_key.size.contents.value)
ca_derive_key_and_wrap_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_derive_key_and_wrap)