Source code for pycryptoki.ca_extensions.hsm_info

Methods responsible for retrieving hsm info from the K7 card
import logging
from ctypes import c_ulong, byref, cast, POINTER
from pycryptoki.cryptoki import (CK_ULONG, CA_GetNumberOfAllowedContainers, CA_RetrieveLicenseList,
                                 CA_GetHSMStorageInformation, CA_GetTSV, CA_GetCVFirmwareVersion)
from pycryptoki.exceptions import make_error_handle_function
from pycryptoki.defines import CKR_OK

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def ca_retrieve_license_list(slot): """Gets the license info for a given slot id :param int slot_id: Slot index to get the license id's :returns: (A python list representing the license id's) :rtype: list """ license_len = c_ulong() ret = CA_RetrieveLicenseList(slot, byref(license_len), None) if ret == CKR_OK: licenses = (c_ulong * license_len.value)() ret = CA_RetrieveLicenseList(slot, license_len, cast(licenses, POINTER(c_ulong)))"Getting license id. slot=%s", slot) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, [] else: return ret, [] return ret, [(licenses[x], licenses[x + 1]) for x in range(0, license_len.value, 2)]
ca_retrieve_license_list_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_retrieve_license_list)
[docs]def ca_retrieve_allowed_containers(slot): """Gets the maximum allowed container number for a given slot id :param int slot_id: Slot index to get the maximum allowed container number :returns: (ret code, A unsigned integer representing the maximum allowed container number) :rtype: unsigned integer """ allowed_partition_number = c_ulong() ret = CA_GetNumberOfAllowedContainers(slot, byref(allowed_partition_number))"Getting allowed maximum container number. slot=%s", slot) return ret, allowed_partition_number
ca_retrieve_allowed_containers_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_retrieve_allowed_containers)
[docs]def ca_retrieve_hsm_storage_info(slot): """Gets the hsm storage info for a given slot id :param int slot_id: Slot index to get the hsm storage info :returns: (ret code, hsm_storage_info dictionary) :rtype: dictionary """ hsm_storage_info = {} container_overhead = c_ulong() total_hsm_storage = c_ulong() used_hsm_storage = c_ulong() free_hsm_storage = c_ulong() ret = CA_GetHSMStorageInformation(slot, byref(container_overhead), byref(total_hsm_storage), byref(used_hsm_storage), byref(free_hsm_storage))"Getting allowed maximum container number. slot=%s", slot) if ret == CKR_OK: hsm_storage_info['ContainerOverhead'] = container_overhead hsm_storage_info['TotalHsmStorage'] = total_hsm_storage hsm_storage_info['UsedHsmStorage'] = used_hsm_storage hsm_storage_info['FreeHsmStorage'] = free_hsm_storage return ret, hsm_storage_info
ca_retrieve_hsm_storage_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_retrieve_hsm_storage_info)
[docs]def ca_get_tsv(slot): """Get the TSV(Module State Vector) for a given slot id :param int slot_id: Slot index to get the TSV(Module State Vector) :returns: (ret code, TSV) :rtype: tuple """ tsv = c_ulong() ret = CA_GetTSV(slot, byref(tsv))"Getting Module state vector. slot=%s", slot) return ret, tsv
ca_get_tsv_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_tsv)
[docs]def ca_get_cv_firmware_version(slot_id): """ Cryptovisor specific ca extension function to get cv fw version :param slot_id: slot id :return: tuple of return code and cv fw version """ major = CK_ULONG() minor = CK_ULONG() sub_minor = CK_ULONG() ret = CA_GetCVFirmwareVersion(CK_ULONG(slot_id), byref(major), byref(minor), byref(sub_minor)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None cv_fwv = {} cv_fwv['major'] = major.value cv_fwv['minor'] = minor.value cv_fwv['sub_minor'] = sub_minor.value return ret, cv_fwv
ca_get_cv_firmware_version_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_cv_firmware_version)