Source code for pycryptoki.ca_extensions.session

Module to work with sessions, specifically dealing with ca_extension functions

import logging
from ctypes import byref, string_at, sizeof

from pycryptoki.cryptoki import (
from pycryptoki.defines import CKR_OK
from pycryptoki.exceptions import make_error_handle_function

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def ca_get_session_info(session): """ ca extension function that returns session information :param session: session handle :return: tuple of return code and session info dict """ session_info = {} h_session = CK_SESSION_HANDLE(session) aid_hi = CK_ULONG() aid_lo = CK_ULONG() container = CK_ULONG() auth_level = CK_ULONG() ret = CA_GetSessionInfo( h_session, byref(aid_hi), byref(aid_lo), byref(container), byref(auth_level) ) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None session_info["aidHigh"] = aid_hi.value session_info["aidLow"] = aid_lo.value session_info["containerNumber"] = container.value session_info["authenticationLevel"] = auth_level.value return ret, session_info
ca_get_session_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_session_info)
[docs]def ca_get_application_id(): """ Get the current process's AccessID. :return: retcode, bytestring tuple. """ dest = CK_APPLICATION_ID() rv = CA_GetApplicationID(byref(dest)) if rv != CKR_OK: return rv, None return rv, string_at(, sizeof(
ca_get_application_id_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_application_id)
[docs]def ca_open_application_id_v2(slot, appid): """ Open the given AccessID for the target slot. :param slot: Slot #. :param appid: bytestring of length 16. :return: Retcode. """ access_id = CK_APPLICATION_ID(appid) return CA_OpenApplicationIDV2(CK_SLOT_ID(slot), byref(access_id))
ca_open_application_id_v2_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_open_application_id_v2)
[docs]def ca_close_application_id_v2(slot, appid): """ Close the AccessID associated with the given slot. :param slot: Slot #. :param appid: bytestring of length 16. :return: Retcode. """ access_id = CK_APPLICATION_ID(appid) return CA_CloseApplicationIDV2(CK_SLOT_ID(slot), byref(access_id))
ca_close_application_id_v2_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_close_application_id_v2)
[docs]def ca_set_application_id_v2(appid): """ Set the Current process's AccessID. :param appid: bytestring of length 16 :return: Retcode """ access_id = CK_APPLICATION_ID(appid) return CA_SetApplicationIDV2(byref(access_id))
ca_set_application_id_v2_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_set_application_id_v2)