Source code for pycryptoki.conversions

Provide low-level conversions between common data types.

The ``from_xyz`` functions should all return an iterator over a list of integers,
representing the individual bytes in the passed-in value.

The ``to_xyz`` functions take in an iterable of integers and convert it to the specified type.

**Example 1**

    .. code-block:: python
        :caption: Convert a raw bytestring to hex

        raw_bytes = from_bytestring(b"Some test data")
        assert raw_bytes = [83, 111, 109, 101, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 32, 100, 97, 116, 97]

        hex_data = to_hex(from_bytestring(b"Some test data"))
        assert hex_data == b'536f6d6520746573742064617461'

**Example 2**

    .. code-block:: python
        :caption: Convert hex data to a raw bytestring

        bytestring_data = to_bytestring(from_hex(b'536f6d6520746573742064617461'))
        assert bytestring_data == b"Some test data"

        raw_bytes = list(from_hex(b'536f6d6520746573742064617461'))
        assert raw_bytes == [83, 111, 109, 101, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 32, 100, 97, 116, 97]

from six import b

def _chunks(inval, chunk_size):
    Split an iterable into chunks of the given size. 
    :param inval: Iterable to be chunked.
    :param chunk_size: Size of chunks.
    :return: Iterator
    for i in range(0, len(inval), chunk_size):
        yield inval[i:i + chunk_size]

[docs]def from_bytestring(ascii_): """ Convert an iterable of strings into an iterable of integers. .. note:: For bytestrings on python3, this does effectively nothing, since iterating over a bytestring in python 3 will return integers. :param ascii_: String to convert :return: iterator """ for c in ascii_: try: yield ord(c) except TypeError: yield c
[docs]def to_bytestring(ascii_): """ Convert an iterable of integers into a bytestring. :param iterable ascii_: Iterable of integers :return: bytestring """ return b(''.join(chr(a) for a in ascii_))
[docs]def from_bin(bin_): """ Convert a string-representation of binary into a list of integers. :param str bin_: String representation of binary data (ex: "10110111") :return: iterator over integers """ for chunk in _chunks(bin_, 8): yield int(chunk, 2)
[docs]def to_bin(ascii_): """ Convert an iterable of integers to a binary representation. :param iterable ascii_: iterable of integers :return: bytestring of the binary values """ return b''.join(b('{:08b}'.format(a)) for a in ascii_)
[docs]def from_hex(hex_): """ Convert a hexademical string to an iterable of integers. :param str hex_: Hex string :return: Iterator """ for chunk in _chunks(hex_, 2): yield int(chunk, 16)
[docs]def to_hex(ints): """ Convert an iterable of integers to a hexadecimal string. :param iterable ints: Iterable of integers :return: bytestring representing the hex data. """ return b''.join(b('{:02x}'.format(a)) for a in ints)