Source code for pycryptoki.encryption

Methods related to encrypting data/files.
import logging
from _ctypes import POINTER
from ctypes import create_string_buffer, cast, byref, string_at, c_ubyte

from .string_helpers import _coerce_mech_to_str
from .attributes import Attributes, to_byte_array
from .common_utils import AutoCArray, refresh_c_arrays
from .conversions import from_bytestring
from .cryptoki import CK_ULONG, \
    C_EncryptInit, C_Encrypt
from .cryptoki import C_Decrypt, C_DecryptInit, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, \
    C_WrapKey, C_UnwrapKey, C_EncryptUpdate, C_EncryptFinal, CK_BYTE_PTR, \
    C_DecryptUpdate, C_DecryptFinal
from .defines import CKR_OK
from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function
from .lookup_dicts import ret_vals_dictionary
from .mechanism import parse_mechanism

MAX_BUFFER = 0xffff

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def c_encrypt(h_session, h_key, data, mechanism, output_buffer=None): """Encrypts data with a given key and encryption flavor encryption flavors .. note:: If data is a list or tuple of strings, multi-part encryption will be used. :param int h_session: Current session :param int h_key: The key handle to encrypt the data with :param data: The data to encrypt, either a bytestring or a list of bytestrings. If this is a list a multipart operation will be used .. note:: This will be converted to hexadecimal by calling:: to_hex(from_bytestring(data)) If you need to pass in raw hex data, call:: to_bytestring(from_hex(hex-data)) References: * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_bytestring` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_bytestring` :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :param list|int output_buffer: Integer or list of integers that specify a size of output buffer to use for an operation. By default will query with NULL pointer buffer to get required size of buffer. :returns: (Retcode, Python bytestring of encrypted data) :rtype: tuple """ LOG.debug("Encrypting data with mechanism:\n%s", _coerce_mech_to_str(mechanism)) mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) # if a list is passed out do an encrypt operation on each string in the list, otherwise just # do one encrypt operation is_multi_part_operation = isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) # Initialize encryption ret = C_EncryptInit(h_session, byref(mech), CK_ULONG(h_key)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None if is_multi_part_operation: ret, encrypted_python_string = do_multipart_operation(h_session, C_EncryptUpdate, C_EncryptFinal, data, output_buffer) else: plain_data, plain_data_length = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(data)) plain_data = cast(plain_data, POINTER(c_ubyte)) if output_buffer is not None: size = CK_ULONG(output_buffer) enc_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte, size=size) ret = C_Encrypt(h_session, plain_data, plain_data_length, enc_data.array, enc_data.size) else: enc_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _encrypt(): """Closure for getting the buffer size with encrypt.""" return C_Encrypt(h_session, plain_data, plain_data_length, enc_data.array, enc_data.size) ret = _encrypt() if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None # Convert encrypted data into a python string encrypted_python_string = string_at(enc_data.array, enc_data.size.contents.value) return ret, encrypted_python_string
c_encrypt_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_encrypt) def _split_string_into_list(python_string, block_size): """Splits a string into a list of equal size chunks :param python_string: The string to divide :param block_size: The size of the blocks to divide the string into :returns: A list of strings of block_size """ total_length = len(python_string) return [python_string[x:x + block_size] for x in range(0, total_length, block_size)] def _get_string_from_list(list_of_strings): """Takes a list of strings and returns a single concatenated string. :param list_of_strings: A list of strings to be concatenated :returns: Single string representing the concatenated list """ return b"".join(list_of_strings)
[docs]def c_decrypt(h_session, h_key, encrypted_data, mechanism, output_buffer=None): """Decrypt given data with the given key and mechanism. .. note:: If data is a list or tuple of strings, multi-part decryption will be used. :param int h_session: The session to use :param int h_key: The handle of the key to use to decrypt :param bytes encrypted_data: Data to be decrypted .. note:: Data will be converted to hexadecimal by calling:: to_hex(from_bytestring(data)) If you need to pass in raw hex data, call:: to_bytestring(from_hex(hex-data)) References: * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_bytestring` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_bytestring` :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :param list|int output_buffer: Integer or list of integers that specify a size of output buffer to use for an operation. By default will query with NULL pointer buffer to get required size of buffer. :returns: (Retcode, Python bytestring of decrypted data)) :rtype: tuple """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) # Initialize Decrypt ret = C_DecryptInit(h_session, mech, CK_ULONG(h_key)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None # if a list is passed out do a decrypt operation on each string in the list, otherwise just # do one decrypt operation is_multi_part_operation = isinstance(encrypted_data, (list, tuple)) if is_multi_part_operation: ret, python_data = do_multipart_operation(h_session, C_DecryptUpdate, C_DecryptFinal, encrypted_data, output_buffer) else: # Get the length of the final data # NOTE: The "Conventions for functions returning output in a variable-length buffer" # section of the PKCS#11 spec says that the length returned in this # case (no output buffer given to C_Decrypt) can exceed the precise # number of bytes needed. So the python string that's returned in the # end needs to be adjusted based on the second called to C_Decrypt # which will have the right length c_enc_data, c_enc_data_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(encrypted_data)) c_enc_data = cast(c_enc_data, POINTER(c_ubyte)) if output_buffer is not None: size = CK_ULONG(output_buffer) decrypted_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte, size=size) ret = C_Decrypt(h_session, c_enc_data, c_enc_data_len, decrypted_data.array, decrypted_data.size) else: decrypted_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _decrypt(): """ Perform the decryption ops""" return C_Decrypt(h_session, c_enc_data, c_enc_data_len, decrypted_data.array, decrypted_data.size) ret = _decrypt() if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None # Convert the decrypted data to a python readable format python_data = string_at(decrypted_data.array, decrypted_data.size.contents.value) return ret, python_data
c_decrypt_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_decrypt)
[docs]def do_multipart_operation(h_session, c_update_function, c_finalize_function, input_data_list, output_buffer=None): """Some code which will do a multipart encrypt or decrypt since they are the same with just different functions called :param int h_session: Session handle :param c_update_function: C_<NAME>Update function to call to update each operation. :param c_finalize_function: Function to call at end of multipart operation. :param input_data_list: List of data to call update function on. .. note:: Data will be converted to hexadecimal by calling:: to_hex(from_bytestring(data)) If you need to pass in raw hex data, call:: to_bytestring(from_hex(hex-data)) References: * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_bytestring` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_bytestring` :param list output_buffer: List of integers that specify a size of output buffers to use for multi-part operations. By default will query with NULL pointer buffer to get required size of buffer """ python_data = [] error = None for index, chunk in enumerate(input_data_list): if output_buffer: out_data_len = CK_ULONG(output_buffer[index]) out_data = cast(create_string_buffer(b'', output_buffer[index]), CK_BYTE_PTR) else: out_data_len = CK_ULONG() out_data = None data_chunk, data_chunk_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(chunk)) data_chunk = cast(data_chunk, POINTER(c_ubyte)) ret = c_update_function(h_session, data_chunk, data_chunk_len, out_data, byref(out_data_len)) if ret != CKR_OK: LOG.debug("%s call on chunk %.20s (%s/%s) Failed w/ ret %s (%s)", c_update_function.__name__, chunk, index + 1, len(input_data_list), ret_vals_dictionary.get(ret, "Unknown retcode"), str(hex(ret))) error = ret break if not output_buffer: # Need a second call to actually get the data. LOG.debug("Creating cipher data buffer of size %s", out_data_len.value) out_data = create_string_buffer(b'', out_data_len.value) ret = c_update_function(h_session, data_chunk, data_chunk_len, cast(out_data, CK_BYTE_PTR), byref(out_data_len)) if ret != CKR_OK: LOG.debug("%s call on chunk %.20s (%s/%s) Failed w/ ret %s (%s)", c_update_function.__name__, chunk, index + 1, len(input_data_list), ret_vals_dictionary.get(ret, "Unknown retcode"), str(hex(ret))) error = ret break # Get the output python_data.append(string_at(out_data, out_data_len.value)) if error: # Make sure we finalize the operation -- don't want to leave any operations active. ret = c_finalize_function(h_session, cast(create_string_buffer(b'', MAX_BUFFER), CK_BYTE_PTR), CK_ULONG(MAX_BUFFER)) LOG.debug("%s call after a %s failure returned: %s (%s)", c_finalize_function.__name__, c_update_function.__name__, ret_vals_dictionary.get(ret, "Unknown retcode"), str(hex(ret))) return error, b"".join(python_data) if output_buffer: fin_out_data_len = CK_ULONG(max(output_buffer)) fin_out_data = create_string_buffer(b"", fin_out_data_len.value) ret = c_finalize_function(h_session, cast(fin_out_data, CK_BYTE_PTR), byref(fin_out_data_len)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, b"".join(python_data) else: # Finalizing multipart decrypt operation fin_out_data_len = CK_ULONG() # Get buffer size for data ret = c_finalize_function(h_session, None, byref(fin_out_data_len)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, b"".join(python_data) fin_out_data = create_string_buffer(b"", fin_out_data_len.value) output = cast(fin_out_data, CK_BYTE_PTR) ret = c_finalize_function(h_session, output, byref(fin_out_data_len)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, b"".join(python_data) if fin_out_data_len.value > 0: python_data.append(string_at(fin_out_data, fin_out_data_len.value)) return ret, b"".join(python_data)
[docs]def c_wrap_key(h_session, h_wrapping_key, h_key, mechanism, output_buffer=None): """Wrap a key off the HSM into an encrypted data blob. :param int h_session: The session to use :param int h_wrapping_key: The handle of the key to use to wrap another key :param int h_key: The key to wrap based on the encryption flavor :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :returns: (Retcode, python bytestring representing wrapped key) :rtype: tuple """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) if output_buffer is not None: size = CK_ULONG(output_buffer) wrapped_key = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte, size=size) ret = C_WrapKey(h_session, mech, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_wrapping_key), CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_key), wrapped_key.array, wrapped_key.size) else: wrapped_key = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _wrap(): """ Perform the Wrapping operation""" return C_WrapKey(h_session, mech, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_wrapping_key), CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_key), wrapped_key.array, wrapped_key.size) ret = _wrap() if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None return ret, string_at(wrapped_key.array, wrapped_key.size.contents.value)
c_wrap_key_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_wrap_key)
[docs]def c_unwrap_key(h_session, h_unwrapping_key, wrapped_key, key_template, mechanism): """Unwrap a key from an encrypted data blob. :param int h_session: The session to use :param int h_unwrapping_key: The wrapping key handle :param bytes wrapped_key: The wrapped key .. note:: Data will be converted to hexadecimal by calling:: to_hex(from_bytestring(data)) If you need to pass in raw hex data, call:: to_bytestring(from_hex(hex-data)) References: * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_hex` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.to_bytestring` * :py:func:`~pycryptoki.conversions.from_bytestring` :param dict key_template: The python template representing the new key's template :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :returns: (Retcode, unwrapped key handle) :rtype: tuple """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) c_template = Attributes(key_template).get_c_struct() byte_wrapped_key, key_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(wrapped_key)) byte_wrapped_key = cast(byte_wrapped_key, CK_BYTE_PTR) h_output_key = CK_ULONG() ret = C_UnwrapKey(h_session, mech, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_unwrapping_key), byte_wrapped_key, key_len, c_template, CK_ULONG(len(key_template)), byref(h_output_key)) return ret, h_output_key.value
c_unwrap_key_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_unwrap_key)