Source code for pycryptoki.hsm_management

Methods responsible for pycryptoki 'hsm management' set of commands.
from _ctypes import pointer
from ctypes import byref, create_string_buffer, cast

from .attributes import Attributes
from .common_utils import AutoCArray, refresh_c_arrays
from .cryptoki import (CK_SLOT_ID,
                       CK_CHAR, CA_SetHSMPolicy, CK_SESSION_HANDLE, CA_SetHSMPolicies,
                       CA_SetDestructiveHSMPolicy, CA_SetDestructiveHSMPolicies,
                       CA_GetHSMCapabilitySet, CA_GetHSMCapabilitySetting,
                       CA_GetHSMPolicySet, CA_GetHSMPolicySetting)
from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function

[docs]def c_performselftest(slot, test_type, input_data, input_data_len): """Test: Performs a self test for specified test type on a given slot. :param slot: slot number :param test_type: type of test CK_ULONG :param input_data: pointer to input data CK_BYTE_PTR :param input_data_len: input data length CK_ULONG :returns: the result code [CK_SLOT_ID, CK_ULONG, CK_BYTE_PTR, CK_ULONG, CK_BYTE_PTR, CK_ULONG_PTR] """ test_type = CK_ULONG(test_type) input_length = CK_ULONG(input_data_len) input_data = (CK_BYTE * input_data_len)(*input_data) output_data = cast(create_string_buffer(b'', input_data_len), CK_BYTE_PTR) output_data_len = CK_ULONG() try: from .cryptoki import CA_PerformSelfTest as selftest except ImportError: from .cryptoki import C_PerformSelftest as selftest ret = selftest(slot, test_type, input_data, input_length, output_data, byref(output_data_len)) return ret, output_data
c_performselftest_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_performselftest)
[docs]def ca_settokencertificatesignature(h_session, access_level, customer_id, pub_template, signature, signature_len): """Completes the installation of a certificate on a token. The caller must supply a public key and a signature for token certificate. The public key is provided through the template; it must contain a key type, a modulus and a public exponent. :param int h_session: Session handle :param access_level: the access level :param customer_id: the customer ID :param pub_template: the public template :param signature: the signature :param signature_len: the length in bytes of the signature :returns: the result code """ access_level = CK_ULONG(access_level) customer_id = CK_ULONG(customer_id) key_attributes = Attributes(pub_template) pub_template_len = CK_ULONG(len(pub_template)) signature = (CK_BYTE * signature_len)(*signature) signature_length = CK_ULONG(signature_len) ret = CA_SetTokenCertificateSignature(h_session, access_level, customer_id, key_attributes.get_c_struct(), pub_template_len, signature, signature_length) return ret
ca_settokencertificatesignature_ex = \ make_error_handle_function(ca_settokencertificatesignature)
[docs]def ca_hainit(h_session, h_key): """Creates a login key pair on the primary token. :param int h_session: Session handle :param h_key: the login private key :returns: the result code """ ret = CA_HAInit(h_session, h_key) return ret
ca_hainit_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_hainit)
[docs]def ca_createloginchallenge(h_session, user_type, challenge): """Creates a login challenge for the given user. :param int h_session: Session handle :param user_type: user type :param challenge: challenge :returns: the result code """ challenge_length = CK_ULONG(len(challenge)) challenge = cast(create_string_buffer(challenge), CK_CHAR_PTR) output_data_length = CK_ULONG() output_data = CK_CHAR() ret = CA_CreateLoginChallenge(h_session, CK_USER_TYPE(user_type), challenge_length, challenge, output_data_length, output_data) return ret, output_data
ca_createloginchallenge_ex = \ make_error_handle_function(ca_createloginchallenge)
[docs]def ca_initializeremotepedvector(h_session): """Initializes a remote PED vector :param int h_session: Session handle :returns: the result code """ ret = CA_InitializeRemotePEDVector(h_session) return ret
ca_initializeremotepedvector_ex = \ make_error_handle_function(ca_initializeremotepedvector)
[docs]def ca_deleteremotepedvector(h_session): """Deletes a remote PED vector :param int h_session: Session handle :returns: the result code """ ret = CA_DeleteRemotePEDVector(h_session) return ret
ca_deleteremotepedvector_ex = \ make_error_handle_function(ca_deleteremotepedvector)
[docs]def ca_mtkrestore(slot): """Restore the MTK :param slot: slot number :returns: the result code """ ret = CA_MTKRestore(CK_SLOT_ID(slot)) return ret
ca_mtkrestore_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_mtkrestore)
[docs]def ca_mtkresplit(slot): """Resplit the MTK :param slot: slot number :returns: the result code """ ret = CA_MTKResplit(CK_SLOT_ID(slot)) return ret
ca_mtkresplit_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_mtkresplit)
[docs]def ca_mtkzeroize(slot): """Zeroize the MTK :param slot: slot number :returns: the result code """ ret = CA_MTKZeroize(CK_SLOT_ID(slot)) return ret
ca_mtkzeroize_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_mtkzeroize)
[docs]def ca_set_hsm_policy(h_session, policy_id, policy_val): """Sets the HSM policies by calling CA_SetHSMPolicy :param int h_session: Session handle :param policy_id: The ID of the policy being set :param policy_val: The value of the policy being set :returns: The result code """ ret = CA_SetHSMPolicy(h_session, CK_ULONG(policy_id), CK_ULONG(policy_val)) return ret
ca_set_hsm_policy_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_set_hsm_policy)
[docs]def ca_set_hsm_policies(h_session, policies): """ Set multiple HSM policies. :param int h_session: Session handle :param policies: dict of policy ID ints and value ints :return: result code """ h_sess = CK_SESSION_HANDLE(h_session) pol_id_list = list(policies.keys()) pol_val_list = list(policies.values()) pol_ids = AutoCArray(data=pol_id_list, ctype=CK_ULONG) pol_vals = AutoCArray(data=pol_val_list, ctype=CK_ULONG) ret = CA_SetHSMPolicies(h_sess, pol_ids.size.contents, pol_ids.array, pol_vals.array) return ret
ca_set_hsm_policies_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_set_hsm_policies)
[docs]def ca_set_destructive_hsm_policy(h_session, policy_id, policy_val): """Sets the destructive HSM policies by calling CA_SetDestructiveHSMPolicy :param int h_session: Session handle :param policy_id: The ID of the policy being set :param policy_val: The value of the policy being set :returns: The result code """ ret = CA_SetDestructiveHSMPolicy(h_session, CK_ULONG(policy_id), CK_ULONG(policy_val)) return ret
ca_set_destructive_hsm_policy_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_set_destructive_hsm_policy)
[docs]def ca_set_destructive_hsm_policies(h_session, policies): """ Set multiple HSM policies. :param int h_session: Session handle :param policies: dict of policy ID ints and value ints :return: result code """ h_sess = CK_SESSION_HANDLE(h_session) pol_id_list = list(policies.keys()) pol_val_list = list(policies.values()) pol_ids = AutoCArray(data=pol_id_list, ctype=CK_ULONG) pol_vals = AutoCArray(data=pol_val_list, ctype=CK_ULONG) ret = CA_SetDestructiveHSMPolicies(h_sess, pol_ids.size.contents, pol_ids.array, pol_vals.array) return ret
ca_set_destructive_hsm_policies_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_set_destructive_hsm_policies)
[docs]def ca_get_hsm_capability_set(slot): """ Get the capabilities of the given slot. :param int slot: Target slot number :return: retcode, {id: val} dict of capabilities (None if command failed) """ slot_id = CK_SLOT_ID(slot) cap_ids = AutoCArray() cap_vals = AutoCArray() @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _get_hsm_caps(): """Closer for retries to work w/ properties """ return CA_GetHSMCapabilitySet(slot_id, cap_ids.array, cap_ids.size, cap_vals.array, cap_vals.size) ret = _get_hsm_caps() return ret, dict(list(zip(cap_ids, cap_vals)))
ca_get_hsm_capability_set_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_hsm_capability_set)
[docs]def ca_get_hsm_capability_setting(slot, capability_id): """ Get the value of a single capability :param slot: slot ID of slot to query :param capability_id: capability ID :return: result code, CK_ULONG representing capability active or not """ slot_id = CK_SLOT_ID(slot) cap_id = CK_ULONG(capability_id) cap_val = CK_ULONG() ret = CA_GetHSMCapabilitySetting(slot_id, cap_id, pointer(cap_val)) return ret, cap_val.value
ca_get_hsm_capability_setting_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_hsm_capability_setting)
[docs]def ca_get_hsm_policy_set(slot): """ Get the policies of the given slot. :param int slot: Target slot number :return: retcode, {id: val} dict of policies (None if command failed) """ slot_id = CK_SLOT_ID(slot) pol_ids = AutoCArray() pol_vals = AutoCArray() @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _ca_get_hsm_policy_set(): """Closure for retries. """ return CA_GetHSMPolicySet(slot_id, pol_ids.array, pol_ids.size, pol_vals.array, pol_vals.size) ret = _ca_get_hsm_policy_set() return ret, dict(list(zip(pol_ids, pol_vals)))
ca_get_hsm_policy_set_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_hsm_policy_set)
[docs]def ca_get_hsm_policy_setting(slot, policy_id): """ Get the value of a single policy :param slot: slot ID of slot to query :param policy_id: policy ID :return: result code, CK_ULONG representing policy active or not """ slot_id = CK_SLOT_ID(slot) pol_id = CK_ULONG(policy_id) pol_val = CK_ULONG() ret = CA_GetHSMPolicySetting(slot_id, pol_id, pointer(pol_val)) return ret, pol_val.value
ca_get_hsm_policy_setting_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_hsm_policy_setting)