Source code for pycryptoki.key_generator

Methods used to generate keys.
from ctypes import byref

from .attributes import Attributes
from .cryptoki import C_DeriveKey
from .cryptoki import C_DestroyObject, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, CK_ULONG, C_GenerateKey, \
    C_GenerateKeyPair, C_CopyObject
from .default_templates import CKM_DES_KEY_GEN_TEMP, \
from .mechanism import parse_mechanism
from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function

[docs]def c_destroy_object(h_session, h_object_value): """Deletes the object corresponsing to the passed in object handle :param int h_session: Session handle :param int h_object_value: The handle of the object to delete :returns: Return code """ ret = C_DestroyObject(h_session, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_object_value)) return ret
c_destroy_object_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_destroy_object)
[docs]def c_copy_object(h_session, h_object, template=None): """Method to call the C_CopyObject cryptoki command. :param int h_session: Session handle :param int h_object: Handle to the object to be cloned :param dict template: Template for the new object. Defaults to None :return: (retcode, Handle to the new cloned object) :rtype: tuple """ if template is None: template = {} attributes = Attributes(template) template_size = CK_ULONG(len(template)) h_new_object = CK_OBJECT_HANDLE() ret = C_CopyObject(h_session, h_object, attributes.get_c_struct(), template_size, h_new_object) return ret, h_new_object.value
c_copy_object_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_copy_object)
[docs]def c_generate_key(h_session, mechanism=None, template=None): """ Generates a symmetric key of a given flavor given the correct template. :param int h_session: Session handle :param dict template: The template to use to generate the key :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :return: (retcode, generated key handle) :rtype tuple: """ if mechanism is None: mechanism = {"mech_type": CKM_DES_KEY_GEN} mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) if template is None: template = CKM_DES_KEY_GEN_TEMP key_attributes = Attributes(template) us_public_template_size = CK_ULONG(len(template)) # ACTUALLY GENERATE KEY h_key = CK_OBJECT_HANDLE() ret = C_GenerateKey(h_session, byref(mech), key_attributes.get_c_struct(), us_public_template_size, byref(h_key)) return ret, h_key.value
c_generate_key_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_generate_key)
[docs]def c_generate_key_pair(h_session, mechanism=None, pbkey_template=None, prkey_template=None): """Generates a private and public key pair for a given flavor, and given public and private key templates. The return value will be the handle for the key. :param int h_session: Session handle :param dict pbkey_template: The public key template to use for key generation :param dict prkey_template: The private key template to use for key generation :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :returns: (retcode, public key handle, private key handle) :rtype: tuple """ if mechanism is None: mechanism = {"mech_type": CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN} if pbkey_template is None and prkey_template is None: pbkey_template, prkey_template = get_default_key_pair_template(CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN) mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) pbkey_template_size = len(pbkey_template) pbkey_attributes = Attributes(pbkey_template) prkey_template_size = len(prkey_template) prkey_attributes = Attributes(prkey_template) h_pbkey = CK_OBJECT_HANDLE() h_prkey = CK_OBJECT_HANDLE() ret = C_GenerateKeyPair(h_session, byref(mech), pbkey_attributes.get_c_struct(), pbkey_template_size, prkey_attributes.get_c_struct(), prkey_template_size, byref(h_pbkey), byref(h_prkey)) return ret, h_pbkey.value, h_prkey.value
c_generate_key_pair_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_generate_key_pair)
[docs]def c_derive_key(h_session, h_base_key, template, mechanism=None): """Derives a key from another key. :param int h_session: Session handle :param int h_base_key: The base key :param dict template: A python template of attributes to set on derived key :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :returns: The result code, The derived key's handle """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) h_key = CK_OBJECT_HANDLE() c_template = Attributes(template).get_c_struct() ret = C_DeriveKey(h_session, mech, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE(h_base_key), c_template, CK_ULONG(len(template)), byref(h_key)) return ret, h_key.value
c_derive_key_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_derive_key)
[docs]def clear_keys(h_session): """Quick hacked together function that can be used to clear the first 10 000 keys. :param int h_session: Session handle """ for i in range(1, 10000): c_destroy_object(h_session, i)