Source code for pycryptoki.mechanism.aes

AES-specific mechanism implementations.
import logging
from ctypes import c_void_p, cast, pointer, sizeof

from . import Mechanism
from ..attributes import to_byte_array
from ..cryptoki import CK_ULONG, CK_BYTE, CK_BYTE_PTR, CK_AES_XTS_PARAMS, \

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IvMechanism(Mechanism): """ Mech class for flavors that require an IV set in the mechanism. Will default to `[0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38]` if no IV is passed in """
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(IvMechanism, self).to_c_mech() if self.params is None or 'iv' not in self.params: self.params['iv'] = [0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38] LOG.warning("Using static IVs can be insecure! ") if len(self.params['iv']) == 0: LOG.debug("Setting IV to NULL (using internal)") iv_ba = None iv_len = 0 else: iv_ba, iv_len = to_byte_array(self.params['iv']) self.mech.pParameter = iv_ba self.mech.usParameterLen = iv_len return self.mech
[docs]class Iv16Mechanism(Mechanism): """ Mech class for flavors that require an IV set in the mechanism. Will default to `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]` if no IV is passed in """
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(Iv16Mechanism, self).to_c_mech() if self.params is None or 'iv' not in self.params: self.params['iv'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] LOG.warning("Using static IVs can be insecure! ") if len(self.params['iv']) == 0: LOG.debug("Setting IV to NULL (using internal)") iv_ba = None iv_len = 0 else: iv_ba, iv_len = to_byte_array(self.params['iv']) self.mech.pParameter = iv_ba self.mech.usParameterLen = iv_len return self.mech
[docs]class AESXTSMechanism(Mechanism): """ Creates the AES-XTS specific param structure & converts python types to C types. """ REQUIRED_PARAMS = ['cb', 'hTweakKey']
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(AESXTSMechanism, self).to_c_mech() xts_params = CK_AES_XTS_PARAMS() xts_params.cb = (CK_BYTE * 16)(*self.params['cb']) xts_params.hTweakKey = CK_ULONG(self.params['hTweakKey']) self.mech.pParameter = cast(pointer(xts_params), c_void_p) self.mech.usParameterLen = CK_ULONG(sizeof(xts_params)) return self.mech
[docs]class AESGCMMechanism(Mechanism): """ Creates the AES-GCM specific param structure & converts python types to C types. """ REQUIRED_PARAMS = ['iv', 'AAD', 'ulTagBits']
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(AESGCMMechanism, self).to_c_mech() gcm_params = CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS() if len(self.params['iv']) == 0: LOG.debug("Setting IV to NULL (using internal)") iv_ba = None iv_len = 0 else: iv_ba, iv_len = to_byte_array(self.params['iv']) gcm_params.pIv = cast(iv_ba, CK_BYTE_PTR) gcm_params.ulIvLen = iv_len # Assuming 8 bits per entry in IV. gcm_params.ulIvBits = CK_ULONG(len(self.params['iv']) * 8) aad, aadlen = to_byte_array(self.params['AAD']) gcm_params.pAAD = cast(aad, CK_BYTE_PTR) gcm_params.ulAADLen = aadlen gcm_params.ulTagBits = CK_ULONG(self.params['ulTagBits']) self.mech.pParameter = cast(pointer(gcm_params), c_void_p) self.mech.usParameterLen = CK_ULONG(sizeof(gcm_params)) return self.mech
[docs]class AESECBEncryptDataMechanism(Mechanism): """ AES mechanism for deriving keys from encrypted data. """ REQUIRED_PARAMS = ['data']
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(AESECBEncryptDataMechanism, self).to_c_mech() # from # /group__SEC__12__14__2__MECHANISM__PARAMETERS.html # Note: data should be a multiple of 16 long. params = CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA() pdata, data_len = to_byte_array(self.params['data']) params.pData = pdata params.ulLen = CK_ULONG(data_len) self.mech.pParameter = cast(pointer(params), c_void_p) self.mech.usParameterLen = CK_ULONG(sizeof(params)) return self.mech
[docs]class AESCBCEncryptDataMechanism(Mechanism): """ AES CBC mechanism for deriving keys from encrypted data. """ REQUIRED_PARAMS = ['iv', 'data']
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(AESCBCEncryptDataMechanism, self).to_c_mech() # # /group__SEC__12__14__KEY__DERIVATION__BY__DATA__ENCRYPTION______DES______AES.html # #CKM_AES_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA # Note: data should be a multiple of 16 long. params = CK_AES_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA_PARAMS() pdata, data_len = to_byte_array(self.params['data']) # Note: IV should always be a length of 8. p_iv, _ = to_byte_array(self.params['iv']) params.pData = pdata params.ulLen = CK_ULONG(data_len) params.iv = p_iv self.mech.pParameter = cast(pointer(params), c_void_p) self.mech.usParameterLen = CK_ULONG(sizeof(params)) return self.mech
[docs]class AESCTRMechanism(Mechanism): """ AES CTR Mechanism param conversion. """ REQUIRED_PARAMS = ['cb', 'ulCounterBits']
[docs] def to_c_mech(self): """ Convert extra parameters to ctypes, then build out the mechanism. :return: :class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_MECHANISM` """ super(AESCTRMechanism, self).to_c_mech() ctr_params = CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS() ctr_params.cb = (CK_BYTE * 16)(*self.params['cb']) ctr_params.ulCounterBits = CK_ULONG(self.params['ulCounterBits']) self.mech.pParameter = cast(pointer(ctr_params), c_void_p) self.mech.usParameterLen = CK_ULONG(sizeof(ctr_params)) return self.mech