Source code for pycryptoki.session_management

Methods responsible for managing a user's session and login/c_logout
import logging
from ctypes import cast, c_void_p, create_string_buffer, \
    byref, pointer, string_at

from .common_utils import AutoCArray
# cryptoki constants
from .cryptoki import (CK_ULONG,
                       CK_BYTE, CK_INFO, C_GetInfo, CA_GetFirmwareVersion, c_ulong,
# Cryptoki Functions
from .cryptoki import (C_Initialize,

from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function, LunaCallException

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def c_initialize(flags=None, init_struct=None): """Initializes current process for use with PKCS11. Some sample flags: CKF_LIBRARY_CANT_CREATE_OS_THREADS CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK See the `PKCS11 documentation <>`_ for more details. :param int flags: Flags to be set within InitArgs Struct. (Default = None) :param init_struct: InitArgs structure (Default = None) :returns: Cryptoki return code. """ if flags: if not init_struct: init_struct = CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS() init_struct.flags = flags if init_struct: init_struct_p = cast(init_struct, c_void_p) else: init_struct_p = None"Initializing Cryptoki Library") ret = C_Initialize(init_struct_p) return ret
c_initialize_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_initialize)
[docs]def c_finalize(): """Finalizes PKCS11 library. :return: Cryptoki return code """"Finalizing Library") ret = C_Finalize(0) return ret
c_finalize_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_finalize)
[docs]def c_open_session(slot_num, flags=(CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | CKF_RW_SESSION)): """Opens a session on the given slot :param int slot_num: The slot to get a session on :param int flags: The flags to open the session with (Default value = (CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | CKF_RW_SESSION) :returns: (retcode, session handle) :rtype: tuple """ # OPEN SESSION arg3 = create_string_buffer(b"Application") h_session = CK_SESSION_HANDLE() arg3 = cast(arg3, c_void_p) # CFUNCTYPE(CK_RV, CK_SESSION_HANDLE, CK_NOTIFICATION, CK_VOID_PTR) ret = C_OpenSession(CK_SLOT_ID(slot_num), CK_FLAGS(flags), cast(arg3, CK_VOID_PTR), CK_NOTIFY(0), pointer(h_session))"C_OpenSession: Opening Session. slot=%s", slot_num) return ret, h_session.value
c_open_session_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_open_session)
[docs]def login(h_session, slot_num=1, password=None, user_type=1): """Login to the given session. :param int h_session: Session handle :param int slot_num: Slot index to login on (Default value = 1) :param bytes password: Password to login with (Default value = "userpin") :param int user_type: User type to login as (Default value = 1) :returns: retcode :rtype: int """ # LOGIN"C_Login: " "user_type=%s, " "slot=%s, " "password=***", user_type, slot_num) if password == '': password = None user_type = CK_USER_TYPE(user_type) password = AutoCArray(data=password, ctype=CK_BYTE) ret = C_Login(h_session, user_type, password.array, password.size.contents) return ret
login_ex = make_error_handle_function(login)
[docs]def c_get_info(): """ Get general information about the Cryptoki Library Returns a dictionary containing the following keys: * cryptokiVersion * manufacturerID * flags * libraryDescription * libraryVersion ``cryptokiVersion`` and ``libraryVersion`` are :py:class:`~pycryptoki.cryptoki.CK_VERSION` structs, and the major/minor values can be accessed directly (``info['cryptokiVersion'].major == 2``) :return: (retcode, info dictionary) """ info = {} info_struct = CK_INFO() ret = C_GetInfo(byref(info_struct)) if ret == CKR_OK: info['cryptokiVersion'] = info_struct.cryptokiVersion info['manufacturerID'] = string_at(info_struct.manufacturerID) info['flags'] = info_struct.flags info['libraryDescription'] = string_at(info_struct.libraryDescription) info['libraryVersion'] = info_struct.libraryVersion return ret, info
c_get_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_info)
[docs]def c_get_slot_list(token_present=True): """ Get a list of all slots. :param bool token_present: If true, will only return slots that have a token present. :return: List of slots """ slots = AutoCArray(ctype=CK_ULONG) rc = C_GetSlotList(CK_BBOOL(token_present), slots.array, slots.size) if rc != CKR_OK: return rc, [] rc = C_GetSlotList(CK_BBOOL(token_present), slots.array, slots.size) return rc, [x for x in slots]
c_get_slot_list_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_slot_list)
[docs]def c_get_slot_info(slot): """ Get information about the given slot number. :param int slot: Target slot :return: Dictionary of slot information """ slot_info = CK_SLOT_INFO() slot_info_dict = {} ret = C_GetSlotInfo(slot, byref(slot_info)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, {} slot_info_dict['slotDescription'] = string_at(slot_info.slotDescription, 64).rstrip() slot_info_dict['manufacturerID'] = string_at(slot_info.manufacturerID, 32).rstrip() slot_info_dict['flags'] = slot_info.flags hw_version = "{}.{}".format(slot_info.hardwareVersion.major, slot_info.hardwareVersion.minor) slot_info_dict['hardwareVersion'] = hw_version fw_version = "{}.{}.{}".format(slot_info.firmwareVersion.major, slot_info.firmwareVersion.minor / 10, slot_info.firmwareVersion.minor % 10) slot_info_dict['firmwareVersion'] = fw_version return ret, slot_info_dict
c_get_slot_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_slot_info)
[docs]def c_get_session_info(session): """Get information about the given session. :param int session: session handle :return: (retcode, dictionary of session information) :rtype: tuple """ session_info = {} c_session_info = CK_SESSION_INFO() ret = C_GetSessionInfo(CK_SESSION_HANDLE(session), byref(c_session_info)) if ret == CKR_OK: session_info['state'] = c_session_info.state session_info['flags'] = c_session_info.flags session_info['slotID'] = c_session_info.slotID session_info['usDeviceError'] = c_session_info.usDeviceError return ret, session_info
c_get_session_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_session_info)
[docs]def c_get_token_info(slot_id, rstrip=True): """Gets the token info for a given slot id :param int slot_id: Token slot ID :param bool rstrip: If true, will strip trailing whitespace from char data. :returns: (retcode, A python dictionary representing the token info) :rtype: tuple """ token_info = {} c_token_info = CK_TOKEN_INFO()"Getting token info. slot=%s", slot_id) ret = C_GetTokenInfo(CK_ULONG(slot_id), byref(c_token_info)) if ret == CKR_OK: token_info['label'] = string_at(c_token_info.label, 32) token_info['manufacturerID'] = string_at(c_token_info.manufacturerID, 32) token_info['model'] = string_at(c_token_info.model, 16) token_info['serialNumber'] = string_at(c_token_info.serialNumber, 16) token_info['flags'] = c_token_info.flags token_info['ulFreePrivateMemory'] = c_token_info.ulFreePrivateMemory token_info['ulTotalPrivateMemory'] = c_token_info.ulTotalPrivateMemory token_info['ulMaxSessionCount'] = c_token_info.usMaxSessionCount token_info['ulSessionCount'] = c_token_info.usSessionCount token_info['ulMaxRwSessionCount'] = c_token_info.usMaxRwSessionCount token_info['ulRwSessionCount'] = c_token_info.usRwSessionCount token_info['ulMaxPinLen'] = c_token_info.usMaxPinLen token_info['ulMinPinLen'] = c_token_info.usMinPinLen token_info['ulTotalPublicMemory'] = c_token_info.ulTotalPublicMemory token_info['ulFreePublicMemory'] = c_token_info.ulFreePublicMemory token_info['hardwareVersion'] = c_token_info.hardwareVersion token_info['firmwareVersion'] = c_token_info.firmwareVersion token_info['utcTime'] = string_at(c_token_info.utcTime, 16) if rstrip: token_info['label'] = token_info['label'].rstrip() token_info['manufacturerID'] = token_info['manufacturerID'].rstrip() token_info['model'] = token_info['model'].rstrip() token_info['serialNumber'] = token_info['serialNumber'].rstrip() token_info['utcTime'] = token_info['utcTime'].rstrip() return ret, token_info
c_get_token_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_token_info)
[docs]def get_slot_dict(token_present=False): """Compiles a dictionary of the available slots :returns: A python dictionary of the available slots """ slot_list = c_get_slot_list_ex(token_present) slot_dict = {} ret = CKR_OK for slot in slot_list: ret, data = c_get_slot_info(slot) if ret != CKR_OK: LOG.error("C_GetSlotInfo failed at slot %s") break slot_dict[slot] = data return ret, slot_dict
get_slot_dict_ex = make_error_handle_function(get_slot_dict)
[docs]def c_close_session(h_session): """Closes a session :param int h_session: Session handle :returns: retcode :rtype: int """ # CLOSE SESSION"C_CloseSession: Closing session %s", h_session) ret = C_CloseSession(h_session) return ret
c_close_session_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_close_session)
[docs]def c_logout(h_session): """Logs out of a given session :param int h_session: Session handle :returns: retcode :rtype: int """"C_Logout: Logging out of session %s", h_session) ret = C_Logout(h_session) return ret
c_logout_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_logout)
[docs]def c_init_pin(h_session, pin): """Initializes the PIN :param int h_session: Session handle :param pin: pin to c_initialize :returns: THe result code """"C_InitPIN: Initializing PIN to %s", pin) pin = AutoCArray(data=pin) ret = C_InitPIN(h_session, pin.array, pin.size.contents) return ret
c_init_pin_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_init_pin)
[docs]def ca_factory_reset(slot): """Does a factory reset on a given slot :param slot: The slot to do a factory reset on :returns: The result code """"CA_FactoryReset: Factory Reset. slot=%s", slot) ret = CA_FactoryReset(CK_SLOT_ID(slot), CK_ULONG(0)) return ret
ca_factory_reset_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_factory_reset)
[docs]def c_set_pin(h_session, old_pass, new_pass): """Allows a user to change their PIN :param int h_session: Session handle :param old_pass: The user's old password :param new_pass: The user's desired new password :returns: The result code """"C_SetPIN: Changing password. " "old_pass=%s, new_pass=%s", old_pass, new_pass) old_pass = AutoCArray(data=old_pass) new_pass = AutoCArray(data=new_pass) ret = C_SetPIN(h_session, old_pass.array, old_pass.size.contents, new_pass.array, new_pass.size.contents) return ret
c_set_pin_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_set_pin)
[docs]def c_close_all_sessions(slot): """Closes all the sessions on a given slot :param slot: The slot to close all sessions on :returns: retcode :rtype: int """"C_CloseAllSessions: Closing all sessions. slot=%s", slot) ret = C_CloseAllSessions(CK_ULONG(slot)) return ret
c_close_all_sessions_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_close_all_sessions)
[docs]def ca_openapplicationID(slot, id_high, id_low): """Open an application ID on the given slot. :param int slot: Slot on which to open the APP ID :param int id_high: High value of App ID :param int id_low: Low value of App ID :return: retcode :rtype: int """ uid_high = CK_ULONG(id_high) uid_low = CK_ULONG(id_low)"CA_OpenApplicationID: Attempting to open App ID %s:%s", id_high, id_low) ret = CA_OpenApplicationID(CK_ULONG(slot), uid_high, uid_low)"CA_OpenApplicationID: Ret Value: %s", ret) return ret
ca_openapplicationID_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_openapplicationID)
[docs]def ca_closeapplicationID(slot, id_high, id_low): """Close a given AppID on a slot. :param int slot: Slot on which to close the APP ID :param int id_high: High value of App ID :param int id_low: Low value of App ID :return: retcode :rtype: int """ uid_high = CK_ULONG(id_high) uid_low = CK_ULONG(id_low)"CA_CloseApplicationID: Attempting to close App ID %s:%s", id_high, id_low) ret = CA_CloseApplicationID(CK_ULONG(slot), uid_high, uid_low)"CA_CloseApplicationID: Ret Value: %s", ret) return ret
ca_closeapplicationID_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_closeapplicationID)
[docs]def ca_setapplicationID(id_high, id_low): """Set the App ID for the current process. :param int id_high: High value of App ID :param int id_low: Low value of App ID :return: retcode :rtype: int """ uid_high = CK_ULONG(id_high) uid_low = CK_ULONG(id_low)"CA_SetApplicationID: Attempting to set App ID %s:%s", id_high, id_low) ret = CA_SetApplicationID(uid_high, uid_low)"CA_SetApplicationID: Ret Value: %s", ret) return ret
ca_setapplicationID_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_setapplicationID)
[docs]def ca_restart(slot): """ :param slot: """"CA_Restart: attempting to restart") ret = CA_Restart(CK_ULONG(slot))"CA_Restart: Ret Value: %s", ret) return ret
ca_restart_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_restart)
[docs]def get_firmware_version(slot): """ Returns a string representing the firmware version of the given slot. It will first try to call ``CA_GetFirmwareVersion``, and if that fails (not present on older cryptoki libraries), will call ``C_GetTokenInfo``. :param int slot: Token slot number :return: Firmware String in the format "X.Y.Z", where X is major, Y is minor, Z is subminor. :rtype: str """ # Note, CA_GetFirmwareVersion should be available from 6.3+. try: ul_major, ul_minor, ul_subminor = c_ulong(), c_ulong(), c_ulong() ret = CA_GetFirmwareVersion(slot, byref(ul_major), byref(ul_minor), byref(ul_subminor)) if ret != 0: LOG.warning("Failed retrieving Firmware information from slot '%s'", slot) raise LunaCallException(ret, "CA_GetFirmwareVersion", (0,)) else: major = ul_major.value minor = ul_minor.value subminor = ul_subminor.value except AttributeError: raw_firmware = c_get_token_info_ex(slot)['firmwareVersion'] major = raw_firmware.major minor = raw_firmware.minor / 10 subminor = raw_firmware.minor % 10 return "{}.{}.{}".format(major, minor, subminor)