Source code for pycryptoki.sign_verify

PKCS11 Operations related to Signing and Verifying data
import logging
from _ctypes import POINTER
from ctypes import create_string_buffer, cast, byref, string_at, c_ubyte

from pycryptoki.conversions import from_bytestring

from .attributes import to_char_array, to_byte_array
from .common_utils import refresh_c_arrays, AutoCArray
from .conversions import from_bytestring
from .cryptoki import CK_ULONG, \
    CK_BYTE_PTR, C_SignInit, C_Sign
from .cryptoki import C_VerifyInit, C_Verify, C_SignUpdate, \
    C_SignFinal, C_VerifyUpdate, C_VerifyFinal
from .defines import CKR_OK
from .encryption import MAX_BUFFER
from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function
from .lookup_dicts import ret_vals_dictionary
from .mechanism import parse_mechanism

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def c_sign(h_session, h_key, data_to_sign, mechanism, output_buffer=None): """Signs the given data with given key and mechanism. .. note:: If data is a list or tuple of strings, multi-part operations will be used. :param int h_session: Session handle :param data_to_sign: The data to sign, either a string or a list of strings. If this is a list a multipart operation will be used (using C_...Update and C_...Final) ex: - "This is a proper argument of some data to use in the function" - ["This is another format of data this", "function will accept.", "It will operate on these strings in parts"] :param int h_key: The signing key :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :param list|int output_buffer: Integer or list of integers that specify a size of output buffer to use for an operation. By default will query with NULL pointer buffer to get required size of buffer. :return: (retcode, python string of signed data) :rtype: tuple """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) # Initialize the sign operation ret = C_SignInit(h_session, byref(mech), CK_ULONG(h_key)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None # if a list is passed out do a sign operation on each string in the list, # otherwise just do one sign operation is_multi_part_operation = isinstance(data_to_sign, (list, tuple)) if is_multi_part_operation: ret, signature_string = do_multipart_sign_or_digest(h_session, C_SignUpdate, C_SignFinal, data_to_sign, output_buffer=output_buffer) else: # Prepare the data to sign c_data_to_sign, plain_date_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(data_to_sign)) c_data_to_sign = cast(c_data_to_sign, POINTER(c_ubyte)) if output_buffer is not None: size = CK_ULONG(output_buffer) signed_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte, size=size) ret = C_Sign(h_session, c_data_to_sign, plain_date_len, signed_data.array, signed_data.size) else: signed_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _sign(): """Perform the signing operation""" return C_Sign(h_session, c_data_to_sign, plain_date_len, signed_data.array, signed_data.size) ret = _sign() if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None signature_string = string_at(signed_data.array, signed_data.size.contents.value) return ret, signature_string
c_sign_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_sign) def do_multipart_sign_or_digest(h_session, c_update_function, c_final_function, input_data_list, output_buffer=None): """ Do a multipart sign or digest operation :param int h_session: Session handle :param func c_update_function: signing update function :param func c_final_function: signing finalization function :param iterable input_data_list: Iterable of data to sign. :param int output_buffer: Integer that specifies a size of an output bufffer to use for the Sign/Digeste operation. By default will query with NULL pointer buffer to get required size of buffer :return: The result code, A python string representing the signature """ error = None for index, chunk in enumerate(input_data_list): data_chunk, data_chunk_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(chunk)) data_chunk = cast(data_chunk, POINTER(c_ubyte)) ret = c_update_function(h_session, data_chunk, data_chunk_len) if ret != CKR_OK: LOG.debug("%s call on chunk %.20s (%s/%s) Failed w/ ret %s (%s)", c_update_function.__name__, chunk, index + 1, len(input_data_list), ret_vals_dictionary.get(ret, "Unknown retcode"), str(hex(ret))) error = ret break # An Update function failed. We should still try to call C_**Final() though to ensure that the # operation is still finalized, but we'll return the original error code. if error: ret = c_final_function(h_session, cast(create_string_buffer(b'', MAX_BUFFER), CK_BYTE_PTR), CK_ULONG(MAX_BUFFER)) LOG.debug("%s call after a %s failure returned: %s (%s)", c_final_function.__name__, c_update_function.__name__, ret_vals_dictionary.get(ret, "Unknown retcode"), str(hex(ret))) return error, None if output_buffer is not None: size = CK_ULONG(output_buffer) out_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte, size=size) ret = c_final_function(h_session, out_data.array, out_data.size) else: out_data = AutoCArray(ctype=c_ubyte) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _final(): """ Closure to acces AutoCArray properties correctly """ return c_final_function(h_session, out_data.array, out_data.size) ret = _final() if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None else: python_string = string_at(out_data.array, out_data.size.contents.value) return ret, python_string
[docs]def do_multipart_verify(h_session, input_data_list, signature): """ Do a multipart verify operation :param int h_session: Session handle :param input_data_list: list of data to verify with :param signature: signature to verify :return: The result code """ error = None for index, chunk in enumerate(input_data_list): data_chunk, data_chunk_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(chunk)) data_chunk = cast(data_chunk, POINTER(c_ubyte)) ret = C_VerifyUpdate(h_session, data_chunk, data_chunk_len) if ret != CKR_OK: error = ret break # An C_VerifyUpdate failed. We should still try to call C_**Final() though to ensure # that the # operation is still finalized, but we'll return the original error code. if error: ret = C_VerifyFinal(h_session, cast(create_string_buffer(b"", MAX_BUFFER), CK_BYTE_PTR), CK_ULONG(MAX_BUFFER)) LOG.debug("C_VerifyFinal call after a C_VerifyUpdate failure returned:" " %s (%s)", ret_vals_dictionary.get(ret, "Unknown retcode"), str(hex(ret))) return error, None # Finalizing multipart decrypt operation c_sig_data, c_sig_data_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(signature)) output = cast(c_sig_data, CK_BYTE_PTR) ret = C_VerifyFinal(h_session, output, c_sig_data_len) return ret
[docs]def c_verify(h_session, h_key, data_to_verify, signature, mechanism): """Verifies data with the given signature, key and mechanism. .. note:: If data is a list or tuple of strings, multi-part operations will be used. :param int h_session: Session handle :param data_to_verify: The data to sign, either a string or a list of strings. If this is a list a multipart operation will be used (using C_...Update and C_...Final) ex: - "This is a proper argument of some data to use in the function" - ["This is another format of data this", "function will accept.", "It will operate on these strings in parts"] :param bytes signature: Signature with which to verify the data. :param int h_key: The verifying key :param mechanism: See the :py:func:`~pycryptoki.mechanism.parse_mechanism` function for possible values. :return: retcode of verify operation """ mech = parse_mechanism(mechanism) # Initialize the verify operation ret = C_VerifyInit(h_session, mech, CK_ULONG(h_key)) if ret != CKR_OK: return ret # if a list is passed out do a verify operation on each string in the list, # otherwise just do one verify operation is_multi_part_operation = isinstance(data_to_verify, list) or isinstance(data_to_verify, tuple) if is_multi_part_operation: ret = do_multipart_verify(h_session, data_to_verify, signature) else: # Prepare the data to verify c_data_to_verify, plain_data_len = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(data_to_verify)) c_data_to_verify = cast(c_data_to_verify, POINTER(c_ubyte)) c_signature, c_sig_length = to_byte_array(from_bytestring(signature)) c_signature = cast(c_signature, POINTER(c_ubyte)) # Actually verify the data ret = C_Verify(h_session, c_data_to_verify, plain_data_len, c_signature, c_sig_length) return ret
c_verify_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_verify)