Source code for pycryptoki.token_management

Created on Aug 24, 2012

@author: mhughes
import logging
from ctypes import byref

# Cryptoki Constants
from six import b

from .cryptoki import (CK_ULONG,
from .defines import CKR_OK

# Cryptoki functions.
from .cryptoki import (C_InitToken,
from .session_management import c_get_token_info
from .exceptions import make_error_handle_function
from .common_utils import AutoCArray
from .common_utils import refresh_c_arrays

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def c_init_token(slot_num, password, token_label='Main Token'): """Initializes at token at a given slot with the proper password and label :param slot_num: The index of the slot to c_initialize a token in :param password: The password to c_initialize the slot with :param token_label: The label to c_initialize the slot with (Default value = 'Main Token') :returns: The result code """"C_InitToken: Initializing token (slot=%s, label='%s', password='%s')", slot_num, token_label, password) if password == b'': password = None password = AutoCArray(data=password) slot_id = CK_ULONG(slot_num) label = AutoCArray(data=token_label) return C_InitToken(slot_id, password.array, password.size.contents, label.array)
c_init_token_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_init_token)
[docs]def get_token_by_label(label): """Iterates through all the tokens and returns the first token that has a label that is identical to the one that is passed in :param label: The label of the token to search for :returns: The result code, The slot of the token """ if label == ADMIN_PARTITION_LABEL: # XXX the admin partition's label changes depending on # the boards state # ret, slot_info = get_slot_info("Viper") # return ret, slot_info.keys()[1] return CKR_OK, ADMIN_SLOT slot_list = AutoCArray() @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _get_slot_list(): """Closure """ return C_GetSlotList(CK_BBOOL(1), slot_list.array, slot_list.size) ret = _get_slot_list() if ret != CKR_OK: return ret, None for slot in slot_list: ret, token_info = c_get_token_info(slot) if token_info['label'] == label: return ret, slot raise Exception("Slot with label " + str(label) + " not found.")
get_token_by_label_ex = make_error_handle_function(get_token_by_label)
[docs]def c_get_mechanism_list(slot): """Gets the list of mechanisms from the HSM :param slot: The slot number to get the mechanism list on :returns: The result code, A python dictionary representing the mechanism list """ slot_id = CK_ULONG(slot) mech = AutoCArray(ctype=CK_MECHANISM_TYPE) @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _c_get_mech_list(): """Closure for retry to work w/ properties. """ return C_GetMechanismList(slot_id, mech.array, mech.size) ret = _c_get_mech_list() return ret, [x for x in mech]
c_get_mechanism_list_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_mechanism_list)
[docs]def c_get_mechanism_info(slot, mechanism_type): """Gets a mechanism's info :param slot: The slot to query :param mechanism_type: The type of the mechanism to get the information for :returns: The result code, The mechanism info """ mech_info = CK_MECHANISM_INFO() ret = C_GetMechanismInfo(CK_ULONG(slot), CK_MECHANISM_TYPE(mechanism_type), byref(mech_info)) return ret, mech_info
c_get_mechanism_info_ex = make_error_handle_function(c_get_mechanism_info)
[docs]def ca_get_token_policies(slot): """ Get the policies of the given slot. :param int slot: Target slot number :return: retcode, {id: val} dict of policies (None if command failed) """ slot_id = CK_ULONG(slot) pol_ids = AutoCArray() pol_vals = AutoCArray() @refresh_c_arrays(1) def _get_token_policies(): """Closure for retries to work w/ properties. """ return CA_GetTokenPolicies(slot_id, pol_ids.array, pol_ids.size, pol_vals.array, pol_vals.size) ret = _get_token_policies() return ret, dict(list(zip(pol_ids, pol_vals)))
ca_get_token_policies_ex = make_error_handle_function(ca_get_token_policies)